Välkommen hem!

Målet är att alla känner sig hemma i vår faders hus.

Our goal is to make everyone feel like home in our fathers house.

Your generosity is changing lives

Simple and secure giving. Give one-time or schedule recurring giving using the button below.


Give $100

Making an impact in our community, city, nation and the world.

Give $500

Making an impact in our community, city, nation and the world.

Give $1000

Making an impact in our community, city, nation and the world.


Click to enter a custom amount

Your generosity is changing lives!

Every single drop is valuable

Many little drops make an ocean. Many individuals make a congregation. Many tithings make a big difference. Church of Sweden Los Angeles is a nonprofit Christian organization. In Swedish we say "Svenska Kyrkan, Los Angeles"
Why we are writing this letter in English is because we are a non for profit registered in the state of California, by law any financial information must be in our home country, United States of Americas language, english.
You often hear us asking for donations and support in all different ways to keep Swedish Church work possible here in southern California. To keep our Church of Sweden, Los Angeles running, with all the work we do for our congregation and for others around the southern California, not only do we need finances but also manpower.
We all are in different situations, and the tithing can be in any amount, or if you can give of your time. Either way, we appreciate every one of you as we hope you feel the church is your "home away from home"
Would you like to give a tithing? There are a few easy ways to go about it. For a one time or to give monthly, create an account here on our website. Its easy to do one time or monthy tithings, just click the blue button above it will take you to the tithing site. 
Text Giving: Simply text the word "GIVE" (844) 640-9762  Complete giving information and credit/debit card details. Once complete, the information is securely saved for future gifts. You can easily give at any time by texting a simple number (ex. 250) and hitting send!
If you feel its easier to give by check it can be mailed or dropped off at the Church.
Please make sure to write the check to: Church of Sweden, Los Angeles  
Church of Sweden, Los Angeles                                        
1035 S. Beacon St.
San Pedro CA, 90731  

Church of Sweden, Los Angeles appreciate any helping hands big or small, any volume of tithings.

Together we will stay strong. 

2025 Januari kalender

5.Trettondagsgudstjänst kl. 11.00 tillsammans med Norska församlingen.

Lättare lunch och kyrkkaffe serveras. Efteråt firar vi med julgransplundring och dans kring granen och kanske nissen kommer på besök...

10. Fredagsmixen återvänder 9.30-16.00 

17. Fredagsmix 9.30 -16.00

19. Gudstjänst i Thousand Oaks med nattvard kl. 14.30

Sopplunch serveras i fellowship hall före gudstjänsten kl. 13.30

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 1 West Avenida De Los Arboles, Thousand Oaks

24. Fredagsmix med filmafton

31. Fredagsmix 9.30-16.00

Click here for English

Vigsel Dop Konfirmation Begravning Minnesstund Själavård

Välkommen till Svenska Kyrkan Los Angeles
Störst av allt är KÄRLEKEN! Greatest of all is LOVE!

Vi på Svenska kyrkan i Los Angeles tror att medmänsklighet och gemenskap är livsviktigt för människor idag. Det är lätt att känna sig ensam men när man lyfter blicken uppåt så blir det genast lättare. Vi på kyrkan arbetar för att skapa mötesplatser dit du kan komma precis som du är. Vi finns här för dig.

We at Swedish Church, Los Angeles believe that humanity is a life necessity to all humanity of today. It's very easy to feel alone, when you lift your eyes to the sky life feels easier again. We at the Church  are working to create a place where you are always welcome the way you are. We are here for You. Greatest of all is LOVE!

Learn More
San Pedro
Svenska Kyrkan,
Los Angeles
1035 S. Beacon Street,
San Pedro CA. 90731
Bibelstudium/ Bibel study group
Bibelstudium kom och delta i denna öppna diskussionsgrupp varje fredag ca 1tim. läser och diskuterar vi tillsammans i kyrkan, San Pedro. Hör av er till Manilla 1 (310) 292 7080
Konfirmation 2024-2025
Our Confirmation group (all teenager on the west coast)  
 Contact Manilla  1 (310) 292 7080
Levnadsintyg för Svenska Pensionsmyndigheten

Vi på kyrkan kan utföra levandsintyg för er som behöver skicka till svenska pensionsmyndigheten. Har ni inte möjlighet att komma i person till kyrkan hör av er till oss.

Telefontider måndag- fredag 10am.-4pm. +1 (424) 342 4360 

Jag vill bli medlem i Svenska kyrkan, Los Angeles
I want to become a member to the Church of Sweden, Los Angeles
Klicka här för att komma till medlemsansökan Click here to go to the Membership page

Jag har funderingar till Svenska Kyrkan, Los Angeles

I have questions to the Church of Sweden, Los Angeles

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