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Mars månad, en viktig månad!March, a month of important happenings! Mars månad inleds med församlingsdag, gudstjänst med Mikael Sandgren och Manilla, Årsmöte, Lunch, Semlor & Sång, samt blicken mot framtiden. Och mars månad avslutas med Påsken och påskfirande. Vad som händer dessemellan återkommer vi till. Först och främst vill församlingsledningen rikta ett tack till alla er som är medlemmar i Church of Sweden, Los Angeles. Det betyder mer än ni tror att ni vill vara medlemmar och att ni tycker att Svenska kyrkan har en viktig roll i Los Angeles området och i Kalifornien. Vi är drygt tusen medlemmar nu. Alla har inte möjlighet att ta sig till kyrkan men vill ändå vara del av församlingen. Alla har inte möjlighet att betala medlemsavgift men kan stötta församlingen ändå. Allt som görs av er medlemmar och alla som vill höra till kyrkans sammanhang är ovärderligt, och en förutsättning för församlingens arbete bland svenskar och för svenskar, svensktalande, svenskättlingar och alla som känner sig hemma i den svenska traditionen. Kyrkan är ingenting utan sina medlemmar. Och kyrkan skulle vara tom utan de som vill samlas där, så Tack allihop! På söndag har ni möjlighet att bidra med er närvaro då vi har en kort gudstjänst direkt följt av årsmöte då vi bland annat väljer styrelse. Har du inte möjlighet att närvara i kyrkan så finns det möjlighet att ansluta via zoom. Men då får man inte lunch eller semlor tyvärr...
The month of March will be a month full of happenings, starting this weekend with Church service held by musician Mikael Sandgren and Senior Pastor Manilla. The shortened Sunday service will be followed by the Members Annual Meeting where Board members will be elected. Lunch and” semlor” will be served and we will discuss the future of Church of Sweden, Los Angeles. Members who will be unable to attend the Annual meeting in person will be given the opportunity to attend via zoom. The month of March ends with the grand finale of Easter and celebration of Easter Sunday and I will soon tell you more about happenings during the month of march. But first I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you members of Church of Sweden, Los Angeles. It means a great deal that you are a member, in fact, it cannot be valued in numbers or gold. But everyone is truly valuable. All of you cannot come to church but everyone counts and is still part of the congregation. Every one of you does not have the possibility to pay for membership but you still belong. Some of you contribute with hours of work to support each other and the church. And some of you support the Church in its work through donations and all that you do is valuable to someone in need and to everyone who is a fellow swede, by birth, by ancestry or by swedish tradition. We now have more than a thousand signed up members, supporting our church in many different ways. With gratitude: Thank you for everything!
For more infomation visit:
Välkommen i mars!Church Calendar 1 mars Fredagsmix, 9:30-16 3 mars, San Pedro, 11:00 Församlingsdag med Gudstjänst, Årsmöte, Lunch samt Söndagsklubb för barn och unga. 8 mars, Fredagsmix, San Pedro 13-20:30 10 mars, 14:00 San Pedro, Internationella kvinnodagen - ett event för kvinnor klicka för info. 15 mars, Fredagsmix, San Pedro 9:30-16 16 mars, 17:00 Gudstjänst i Corona del Mar, Lutheran Church of the Master 22 mars, Fredagsmix, i San Pedro, 13 -20:30 23 mars, 14:00 Gudstjänst i Thousand Oaks, King of Glory Lutheran Church. 24 mars 11:00, Palmsöndagen, Gudstjänst i Sjömanskyrkan i San Pedro 29 mars 11:00, Långfredagen, Stilla fredag i San Pedro med långfredagsandakt, stilla musik och bön 29 mars 19:00 Långfredagsgudstjänst 31 mars 11:00 Påskdagen, Påskdagsmässa i San Pedro.
March 1, 9:30 am – 4 pm, Friday mix March 3, 11 am-3 pm Sunday Service, Members Annual Meeting, Lunch and fellowship March 8, 1 pm – 20:30 pm, Friday mix March 10, 2pm Internations womens day event see website for more info.Event for women only. March 15, 9:30 am – 4 pm, Friday mix March 16, 5 pm, Swedish Church Service i Corona del Mar, Lutheran Church of the Master March 22, 1 pm – 20:30 pm, Friday mix March 23, 2 pm Swedish Service with Communion in Thousand Oaks, King of Glory Lutheran Church. March 24, 11 am, Palm Sunday, Sunday Service with Communion, Norwegian Seamen’s Church in San Pedro March 29, Good Friday, A peaceful day i San Pedro with prayer, readings and music at 11am followed by soup and coffe. March 29, 7 pm, Good Friday, Church service. March 31, 11 am, Easter Sunday, Sunday Service with Communion, Norwegian Seamen’s Church in San Pedro
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Många bäckar små blir en stor åMany drops make an ocean Many little drops make an ocean. Many individuals make up a congregation. Many tithings make a big difference. For those of you who would like to support Church of Sweden Los Angeles financially you can give monthly, once a year or whenever a donation is convenient for you. For membership or just because you feel like giving or want to make a difference spreading hope and light through the work done by your church. If you would like to contribute to the Church within a special field of work, such as music, young families and children, support for the sick and the lonely, or when you prefer to support a specific project planned by the church, feel free to donate of your time or funds! Every gift is a blessing, and every drop helps in building for the future, together. For more infomation visit:
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International Women's Day EventWomen only! - Sunday, March 10, 2024 Let's Celebrate IWD. by getting together for a Woman Only Event where we will learn about the tactics and tools "Damsel in Defense" offers to keep ourselves and our families safe.If you have questions please contakt Karolina. RSVP by 3/7 to Email: karolina@YourSafetyEducator.comRefreshments and child activities will be provided.This day is sponsored by: Norweigan Sjomanskirken & Church of Sweden, Los Angeles, Safety Shoppe For more infomation visit: http://churchof148.tithelysetup.com/events/international-womens-day-event/2024-03-10
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General Konsulatet i San Fransisco har Öppnat!Consulate general of Sweden, San Fransisco, is now open! For more infomation visit:
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Follow us on Facebook and Instagram![]() ![]() 1035 South Beacon Street San Pedro, CA. 90731 United States Senior Pastor +1 310 292-7080, Ordained Deacon + 1 310 292 7079 |