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Juni kalenderJUNE 2024 2a Gudstjänst kl.11.00 i San Pedro vi sjunger in sommaren och firar Sveriges Nationaldag. Church Service with Swedish summer hymns and music followed by traditional flag ceremony in the garden and celebration of Sweden’s National Holiday. This day SWEA LA and SWEA OC chapters are providing the lunch and dessert. Tickets for lunch can be purchased at the door or through this link Click here! 7e Fredagsmix 9.30-16.00 14e Fredagsmix 13.00-20.00 15e Musikgudstjänst kl.17.00 i Corona del Mar, Lutheran church of the Master, med sommarpsalmer och musik inför sommarens uppehåll. Church service with music and hymns for the summer at 5 pm. 2900 Pacific View Dr, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 21a Fredagsmix 9.30-16.00
RSVP appreciated. Entrance fee includes hotdog and beverage. We are also serving a Swedish midsummer buffet, mandatory booking in advance for this delicious buffet. Prepurchase on line today, limited tickets! Buy your Tickets Today for the Midsommar buffén
23e Morgongudstjänst och Midsommarfirande i VASA Parken Augora Hills kl.10.00-17.00 SUNDAY 23, Morning service at 10am. Midsummer festivities in Vasa Park. Augora Hills. 26- 28, Sommarmusikskola för barn 6år och äldre på kyrkan i San Pedro WEDNESDAY 26th to FRIDAY 28th, Sign up for Vacation Music School at church in San Pedro, For kids aged 6 and up! Come and try music instruments, sing in choir learn Swedish songs. Click here for Children Musical enrollment |
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SommarlovsmusikaktivitetVacation Music School Nu finns möjlighet för barn från 6 år och uppåt att delta i lovaktivitet med sång och musik. Under sommaren erbjuds den 26-27 juni körsång, musikundervisning,, sånglektion och möjlighet att prova på att spela kompinstrument som gitarr, piano, trummor. Fredag den 28:e får man gärna vara med på minikonsert i kyrkan. Anmäl er till Manilla Det kommer att finnas mer info. om kommande tillfällen efter sommaren på hemsidan. For more information in english, call pastor Manilla |
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Sommar Öppet Juli & AugustiSUMMER SPECIAL IN JULY AND AUGUST Fun-Fridays in San Pedro, 10 am -5 pm. “Fridaymix“ 1035 S. Beacon Street San Pedro CA, 90731 Come and join us and have some summer fun and meet new friends!
Sunday Services in San Pedro, at 11 am. every Sunday in July and August Light lunch and church coffee served. 7/7 Svensk gudstjänst 8/4 Svensk gudstjänst, Diakon Anna Maj Lis Aasa 8/24 Svensk gudstjänst, Thousand Oaks. Information ring +1 (310) 292 7079
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Jag vill hjälpa men vet inte hur?How can I help? Church of Sweden Los Angeles is a nonprofit Christian organization. In Swedish we say "Svenska Kyrkan, Los Angeles." You always hear how we ask for donations and support in all ways to keep our Church work possible in southern California. This year is no different from the others, we will receive for 2024 by the Swedish Church Trosamfundet Uppsala, which oversees the whole organization and the department we are a part of (Swedish Church abroad “SKUT”) the budget and supporting funds for this year’s structure. If we are going to be able to keep our, Church of Sweden, Los Angeles, running with all the work we do for our congregation and others around southern California. Not only do we need finances but also manpower. The financial committe have this year estimated the budget for the church organization calculated cost every month is around $15 000 min. We are very unsure how the support from Sweden will come to be in the coming years. To be realistic this years calculation based per member of 1100 people. This breaks down to aproximatley a $15 tithing/month or $350/year per family, if this can happen it would be amazing! We want to be more transparent and let everyone know what is needed to keep our Swedish church in Southern California open. We all have different situations and the donation can be in any amount, or if you can give of your time,(contact us losangeles@svenskakyrkan.se) either way Church of Sweden, Los Angeles appreciate and care for every one of you! We hope you feel the church is your “Home away from Home” How can I give a tithing? There are a few easy ways to go about it. For a one time or to give monthly, can we suggest using our online donation portal. You create an account on our website here is the link: https://www.churchofswedenla.com/give Checks and cash can be given at our services around southern California, Thousand oaks, San Pedro, Corona del Mar, San Diego. Checks need to be made out as follow: Church of Sweden, Los Angeles The mailing and visiting address: Church of Sweden, Los Angeles 1035 S. Beacon St. San Pedro, CA. 90731
Church of Sweden Los Angeles appreciate any helping hand big or small, any volume of tithings. Together we will stay strong! For more infomation visit:
Bön för Mänskligheten
Herre, vår jord är bara ett stoftkorn i världsalltet. Det är vår uppgift att göra den till en planet där ingen skall behöva plågas av krig, hunger eller fruktan eller vara utestängd från andra i meningslöst främlingskap för sin härstamnings, hudfärgs eller världsåskådnings skull. Gud, ge oss mod och förutseende att ta itu med detta redan nu, så att våra barn och barnbarn en gång med stolthet kan bära namnet människa. Amen Förenta Nationernas bön |
Visiting address:
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram![]() ![]() 1035 South Beacon Street San Pedro, CA. 90731 United States Senior Pastor +1 310 292-7080, Ordained Deacon + 1 310 292 7079 |