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TerminsstartBack to school, back in business Sommarlovet är över för i år och det är full fart i kyrkan igen. I våra böner ber vi för alla som ska hitta tillbaka i vardagen på skolor och på jobb och vi ber för alla som har en vardag som är strävsam på olika sätt. Ett trevligt inslag i vardagen är att mötas i Sjömanskyrkan i San Pedro på fredagar men vi vet att det inte är möjligt för alla. Därför vill vi skapa möjligheter att ses på andra platser och på andra dagar och vill gärna ha förslag från dig på vad som skulle vara en fin möjlighet att ses. Att samtala på ett fik, träffas i en park eller i en kyrka nära dig? NYHET! Ett sätt att underlätta gemenskap för familjer, barn och ungdomar är att inbjuda till aktiviteter på skollediga dagar, så håll utkik efter kör och musikaktiviteter och annat kul. Vi samlas till Gudstjänst och gemenskap på flera ställen och äter svensk mat tillsammans. Alla kan inte ta sig till kyrkan så därför streamar vi gudstjänsterna så ofta vi kan. Och vi åker ut till olika ställen för att det ska bli lättare att samlas. En ytterligare NYHET är att vi samlas i en för oss ny kyrka i Thousand Oaks en söndag i månaden. I Trinity Lutheran Church har vi lokaler med god tillgänglighet och möjlighet att samlas för gemensam lunch innan gudstjänsten. Vi ser fram emot många goda möten och fin gemenskap under hötterminen. Vi ses! For more infomation visit: |
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Höstens händelserSave the date! Söndag 1 september / Sunday September 1: Gudstjänst/Sunday service, 11:00 San Pedro. Prova-på-kör 13:00-15:00 Måndag 2 september: Vacation Music School, Sång och musikaktivitet för skollediga barn och ungdomar 10:30-13:00. RSVP to 1(310)292-7080 Lördag 7 september: Annual Fashion Show! Fundraiser event to give beautiful garments a longer life. Tickets and more information on our website. Söndag 15 september/ Sunday September 15: Gudstjänst/Sunday service, 14:30 in Thousand Oaks. Lunch from 13:30. Trinity Lutheran Church, 1 w Avenida De Los Arboles, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360. Lördag 21 september / Saturday September 21: Swedish Church Service in Corona del Mar, 17:00. Lutheran Church of the Master, 2900 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar, CA 92625. A light meal is served after service. Söndag 22 september / Sunday September 22: Nordic Sunday Service at 11.00 together with our Danish and the Norwegian friends in The Danish Church, 16881 Bastanchury Road, Yorba Linda, CA 92886. Lördag 5 oktober: Quartermania! Fun and raffling fundraiser event. Tickets and more information on our website. Söndag 6 oktober / Sunday, October 1: Gudstjänst/Sunday service, 11:00 San Pedro Lördag 19 oktober / Saturday, October 19: Swedish Church Service in Corona del Mar, 17:00. Lutheran Church of the Master, 2900 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar, CA 92625. A light meal served after service. Söndag 20 oktober / Gudstjänst/Sunday service, 14:30 in Thousand Oaks. Lunch from 13:30. Trinity Lutheran Church, 1 w Avenida De Los Arboles, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360. Lördag 2 november / Saturday November 2: Swedish Church Service in San Diego, House of Sweden, Balboa Park. 10:30 Söndag 2 november / Sunday November 3; Gudstjänst/Sunday service, 11:00 San Pedro Söndag 17 november / Gudstjänst/Sunday service, 14:30 in Thousand Oaks. Lunch from 13:30. Trinity Lutheran Church, 1 w Avenida De Los Arboles, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360. Söndag 1 december / Sunday December 1: Adventsgudstjänst/Sunday service, 11:00 San Pedro Lördag 7 december / Saturday December 7: Swedish Advent Service in Corona del Mar, 17:00. Lutheran Church of the Master, 2900 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar, CA 92625. A light meal served after service. Fredag 13 december / Friday December 13: Lucia in San Pedro. Lördag 14 december / Saturday December 1: Lucia in Angelica Church. Tickets and more information on our website. Söndag 15 december / Gudstjänst/Sunday service, 14:30 in Thousand Oaks. Lunch from 13:30. Trinity Lutheran Church, 1 w Avenida De Los Arboles, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360. 25 december, Julotta / Christmas day: Early morning service. |
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Kyrkans årliga insamling med Eva's Fashion ShowSustainable fashion show fundraiser at the church - Saturday, September 7, 2024 FASHION SHOW 2pm. - 5pm. Saturday Welcome to our annual event at the church. Come enjoy a fun afternoon as we shop gently used pre-owned designer clothing. This year we celebrate the 5th anniversary with Eva's fashion show with beautiful models and a secret conferencier? Who promises will keep the afternoon filled with a lot of fun and fashion. Swedish fika, savory bites & refreshments included in the ticket price of $20. All proceeds go towards the work the church does in our community. Please RSVP. to Eva: +1 949 295 6727 and pre-purchase your ticket today by clicking the button below or buy it at the door. We thank you for all your support and look forward to another fun-filled fashion show created by fashionista Eva Lennen. For more infomation visit: http://churchof148.tithelysetup.com/events/kyrkans-arliga-insamling-med-evas-fashion-show/2024-09-07
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New Exciting fundraiser!come and experience Quarter Mania - Saturday, October 5, 2024 Welcome to a fun-filled fundraising event on Saturday, October 5th. "Quarter mania" is a cross between an auction and a raffle, where you bid quarters and can win a great prize. The ticket price of $20 includes a bid paddle, one raffle ticket, lunch, a sweet treat, a beverage, and coffee. In addition, there will be many great raffle prizes and vendors to shop from as well. Come and join us for this exciting fundraiser. The proceeds go towards all the work our church does around our community.Seats are going fast, friends! Secure your spot by purchasing your tickets here: Event ticket!For more infomation visit: http://churchof148.tithelysetup.com/events/new-exciting-fundraiser/2024-10-05
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Församlingen behöver en bil!A new car for visits nearby and far away. Såväl prästen som diakonen i församlingen gör många resor, hembesök och sjukbesök med mera för att kunna träffa och stötta svenskar i vårt stora församlingsområde. Det kräver både pålitliga och miljövänliga bilar och nu behöver en gammal, sliten bil bytas ut. Vi är tacksamma för goda råd och tips om lämpliga bilar och har också en pågående insamling till ett nytt fordon som kan ta kyrkans personal eller volontärer dit de behövs. Om du vill bidra med en gåva eller på något annat sätt vill hjälpa till med anskaffandet av en bil så är det guld värt! The pastor as well as the ordained deacon travel long distances by car to cover a large area in the Los Angeles region and Southern California, to be able to support and visit our members and help swedes in need. For the outreach work of our church it is of great importance with reliable and environmentally sustainable cars. One of the church cars is now to old and needs to be replaced, so we are grateful for advise and suggestions regarding suitable cars. Meanwhile the Church is raising funds to be able to replace the old car and still needs some more funding. If you would like to support the work to reach out and to visit elderly, sick and our fellow swedes in need, your donation is more than welcome! For more infomation visit: |
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Medlemskap, donationer och gåvor.Do you want to make your tax-deductible donation early this year? Or do you want to sign up to donate of your time? Whenever we are writing to ask for assistance in supporting our mission we also want you to be assured your support will go a long way and will allow us to continue to invest in the mission and the services within the Swedish community in Los Angeles and Southern California.
The membership fee in Church of Sweden Los Angeles is voluntary and you can pay whatever you can and whenever it is convenient for you. Thanks to member support, all of us together, will be able to keep the church going year after year. You support the church staff and the volunteers in helping people in need when there is no one else to turn to. You help us to support families when they need someone to lean on. You help us gather in fellowship and pass on Swedish traditions to the next generation and you help us provide a safe and sound environment where children and teenagers can grow spiritually and devolop their gifts and talents. We couldn't have done this without the generosity of our members. Your generousity brings hope and joy!
We realize you may not be able to make a financial donation due to economic reasons. If that's the case, there are other ways to support the church, such as helping out at church, with the Sunday service or in the kitchen. You can donate of your time and give us a hand at events and christmas bazars. You could sing or join the choir or a band. You can help us to send out letters or share our information on social media. You can be a part of our network supporting fellow swedes with your personal talent or professional skills. You are greatly appreciated and whatever you do is valuable in many ways.
- Thank you for your continued support and generosity. We are blessed to have you as a part of our community. Varmt tack för ditt stöd! Ditt engagemang är en välsignelse för den svenska församlingen!
For more infomation visit:
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram![]() ![]() 1035 South Beacon Street San Pedro, CA. 90731 United States Senior Pastor +1 310 292-7080, Ordained Deacon + 1 310 292 7079 |