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Glad advent och God Jul!The December Calendar Sunday December 1. at 11am. Advent Service / Adventsgudstjänst Traditionellt 1:a adventsfirande i Svenska kyrkan / Norwegian Seamen's Church, 1035 S Beacon Street, San Pedro, LA. Lunch och Lucia öving.
Friday December 6. at 10am - 8pm. Friday Mix Christmas Edition/Fredagsmys med julstämning Drop-in med pepparkaksbak, lussebullar, julpyssel för små och stora, sång, musik mm./Open house all day, from morning prayer to evening prayer, "Julstuga" with traditional Swedish Christmas preparations: baking and ginger bread-making, crafts and decorations, sing along etc. Svenska kyrkan / Norwegian Seamen's Church, 1035 S Beacon Street, San Pedro Saturday December 7. at 5pm. Advent Service with Lucia music Lutheran Church of the Master, Corona del Mar. With a light meal/julfika after service.
Lucia Celebration Events December 13. at 6 pm. Norwegian Seamen’s Church, San Pedro and December 14. at 5 pm Angelica Lutheran Church DTLA Purchase tickets in advance: www.churchofswedenla.com or call +1 (424) 342 4360
Sunday December 15. at 2:30pm. Advent service with Lucia music Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Thousand Oaks For Julbord at 1:30pm. pre-purchase tickets before December 11th! at www.churchofswedenla.com
Christmas morning December 25 7 am. Julotta and Christmas breakfast Svenska kyrkan/ Norwegian Seamen's Church, San Pedro 9 am. "Julotta" and Christmas breakfast Angelica Lutheran Church, Downtown LA
December 27th. 6pm. Författarbesök! See separate advertisement. Swedish Author Alexandra Pascalidou visits the Swedish church in San Pedro and will be precenting her new book. (This event will be held in Swedish) Click here to purchase TICKETS
January 5. 11am. Trettondagsfirande med julgransplundring/Juletrae fest Family-friendly Epiphany service at Norwegian Seaman's Church, San Pedro Join in for lunch, dance around the Christmas tree and hopefully meet Santa...
For more information see website: www.churchofswedenla.com or call +1 424.342.4360 For more infomation visit:
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Nu är det jul igen!With Christmas around the corner Can you imagine how time flies, and we are in December again! We are looking forward to all the celebrations and the festivities coming up but we also now Christmas is different this year for those of you who lost someone dear or for anyone worrying about health or other important issues. We hope to see many of our members and fellow swedes at the Church gatherings this December, but if you can't make it to church there are ways for you to be part of the fellowship. Let's stay in touch! The Church team is here to support you and the congregation will pray for you in our church services. Let us know if you want us to light a candle especially for you in our sanctuary! The Caring Ministry Group cares for you too, and if you want to text us or give us a call, we are so looking forward to hearing from you! If you would like to be a part of our church mission through volunteer work, you are most welcome! And if you want to support your swedish church occasionally, at one of our upcoming events this December or at future events, church services, gatherings or committe work, please let us know! There are many ways to be a part of the fellowship and the congregational mission. Give us a call and we'll tell you more! Call Ordained Deacon MajLis: 310.292.7079 Call Senior Pastor Manilla: 310.292.7080 |
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Författarbesök: Möt Alexandra Pascalidou den 27 december.Swedish author visiting Church of Sweden Los Angeles Alexandra är en flerfaldigt prisbelönt journalist, författare och människorättskämpe. Hon kommer till Svenska Kyrkan i Los Angeles 27 december kl. 18.00 - 19.00.Alexandra är en flerfaldigt prisbelönt journalist, författare och människorättskämpe. Hon har genom åren arbetat som journalist, författare, programledare, dramatiker, skådespelare, föreläsare, moderator, styrelseledamot, entreprenör med mera. I föredraget kommer hon tala om utmaningen i att möta människor i djup sorg, ärrade av förluster men också förmågan att urskilja ljusglimtar i mörkret. Alexandra fokuserar på barnen och våldet som väver samman Sverige och världen. $25 i entré, fika ingår. Föranmäl dig här. For more infomation visit:
Den finaste julklappenA blessed gift for Christmas Are you looking for the perfect Christmas gift for someone who already has everything they could ever need? Or are you not exchanging gifts with family, but you would still like to give a meaningful gift to someone this Christmas? May we suggest a gift through the Church, a tithing or a special donation? Your gift will become a true blessing to someone within our Swedish community! And it is easy to give, send a check to Church of Sweden Los Angeles or give online! Church of Sweden Los Angeles gratefully accepts every gift and everything you give through a supportive membership, your valuable time, volunteer hours, donations and tithing. You are a blessing! And your loving gift makes a difference to someone. When we make miracles happen together and we all start in our little corner of the world, hope and light will spread all around the globe and God's presence will become more and more visible everywhere, outside the church building, wherever we meet, wherever we reach out for a hand to hold and whenever we greet each other with a warm and loving smile. As the old latin chant "Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est" says; Where Charity and Love are, God is there. A Warm Thank You!
Nu tändas tusen juleljus på jordens mörka rund och tusen, tusen stråla ock på himlens djupblå grund. I varje hjärta armt och mörkt, sänd du en stråle blid, en stråle av Guds kärleks ljus, i signad juletid.
For more infomation visit: |
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Follow us on Facebook and Instagram![]() ![]() 1035 South Beacon Street San Pedro, CA. 90731 United States Senior Pastor +1 310 292-7080, Ordained Deacon + 1 310 292 7079 |