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Blessings for the New Year!Med önskan om Guds Frid och Allt Gott för det nya året! Ett år går mot sitt slut och i återblickarna kan vi se att mycket blev fint även om ett år hinner vara som en påse Gott & Blandat. En hel del väldigt gott men även en det sura, sega eller hårda bitar. Som livet är, lite både och. Men i återblickarna blänker fina bilder till, minnen som skimrar och som vi bär med oss in i det nya. Jag minns, när jag skriver detta, att det står i Första Tessalonikerbrevet: Pröva allt. Ta vara på det som är bra. Och det allra mesta vi testat är riktigt gott, om du frågar mig! Första Thessalonikerbrevet är ett bra brev till en församling, tänker jag. Det är nästan som att man vill kopiera det i Änglanytt, som ett brev till församlingen i Södra Kalifornien... Det beskriver både Guds kärlek till sin församling och att människorna där är kärleksfulla mot varandra. Jag tänker inte återge brevets alla fem kapitel här. Men sluthälsningen tål att upprepas, här i vårt Änglanytt, så här som en hälsning i slutet på året. Där står: "Ni ska trösta och bygga upp varandra, såsom ni ju gör". Det står att vi att ska sätta värde på dem som har det tyngsta arbetet i församlingen. Att man ska visa varandra kärlek och uppskattning och hålla fred med varandra. Fortsatt står det "Vi uppmuntrar er bröder att tala de oordentliga till rätta, uppmuntra de modfällda, stöd de svaga, ha tålamod med alla. Se till att ingen lönar ont med ont. Sträva alltid efter att göra gott, mot varandra och alla andra. Var alltid glada, be ständigt och tacka hela tiden Gud. Gör så, det är Guds vilja i Kristus Jesus. Släck inte anden, förakta inga profetior men pröva allt. Ta vara på det som är bra, och avhåll er från allt slags ont. Må han som är Fridens Gud helga er helt igenom, och må er ande, själ och kropp bevaras hela och oskadda, så att de är utan fläck när vår Herre Jesus Kristus kommer. Han som kallar er ärt trofast, han skall åstadkomma det. Be också för för oss. Hälsa alla bröderna med en helig kyss. Lova mig i Herrens namn att alla bröderna får höra breevet läsas upp. Nåd och frid från vår herre Jesus Kristus åt er alla". Mitt varma tack för året som nu gått! Ni är många som har har gjort mycket för församlingen, som har velat vara en del av den, stöttat arbetet och tagit del av det på olika sätt och kämpat trofast med olika uppdrag. Jag gläds åt ett nytt år tillsammans med er alla - i Kristus!
Another year is closing, and looking back there are sweet memories. A year that goes by holds a little of everything, both sweet, bitter sweet or some sour chewy parts...just like the swedish candy translated good and mixed. Or maybe it was supposet to be A Good Mix. I keep buying that chewy candy even though I never liked the yellow pieces. But someone else eats them all, so I guess it is a matter of preference. Life is good parts and better parts and some that you would rather be without. But the memories you cherish from 2024, keep them in your heart and bring them with you into the year of 2025 A.D. As I write these words, they remind me of another letter (1 Thess) where it is written: test them all; hold on to what is good. And looking back, counting my blessings, there is a lot of good, sweet memories. I will not copy that whole letter from the Scripure into this newsletter, But it is a well written letter to a congregation, speaking of Gods love of his children and how the members of the congregation is loving and caring of one and other. So I will share those final words of that letter, with you all. This is to be read in the Final Instructions of The First Letter to the Thessalonians: "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other. And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone. Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else. Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil. May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it. Brothers and sisters, pray for us. Greet all God’s people with a holy kiss. I charge you before the Lord to have this letter read to all the brothers and sisters. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you."
A warm thank you for this last year! Many of you have been supporting the church's mission, some of you took on a lot of hard work and may of you took part in events and Church services. We all belong, and I am looking forward to a new year, together - in Christ. / Pastor Manilla |
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Nytt för det nya året!News for the New Year Månadens special Under 2025 kan du se fram emot månadens special! Något som sker utöver det vanliga i församlingen men som är viktigt att samlas kring. Det kan vara en filmkväll, en konsert, en friluftsgudstjänst, en samling på en helt ny plats, en gemensam utflykt, en hemlig gäst etc. Så håll utkik efter spännande nyheter! I februari blir det exempelvis varmt och hjärtligt på Valentines Day! The monthly special For every month of 2025 there will be a variety of special events according to the month. Something we do not repeat monthly but a theme gathering that feels important and brings us together. So keep your eyes open and be prepared to join in! In February it is a Valentines event with Dinner and Music so prepare to invite someone you like, to the festive evening of Valentines Day! |
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The January - February CalendarDetta händer i januari och februari:
January 5 at 11am, Family friendly Epihany Service
in the Norwegian Seamen's church, San Pedro. (No communion this sunday.) Julgransplundring för barnen och vi dansar ut julen. Candy and gifts for the children and Lunch for everyone, after the service.
FridayMix 9.30am-4 pm, Every friday at the San Pedro Church, starting January 10.
10am Morning prayer, 12:30 Lunch, Bible studies, crafts, baking, chatting.
January 19 at 2:30pm, Swedish Sunday Service with Communion in Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Thousand Oaks. Lunch and "semla" in the fellowship hall at 1.30pm
January 24 Monthly Special: A Movie Night! Månadens special, Tema: Film.
(No regular Church Service in Orange County this January)
February 2, at 11am Swedish Sunday Service with Communion
in the Norwegian Seamen's church, San Pedro followed by Lunch and "semla".
FUNDRAISER EVENT: February 14, "Valentines Dinner
and Music" in the Norwegian Seamen's church, San Pedro.
Prepaid tickets to be purchased online or at church by 2/2.
For more information call us or go to website: www.churchofswedenla.com
February 16 at 2:30pm, Swedish Sunday Service
in Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Thousand Oaks
Lunch and "semla" in the fellowship hall at 1.30pm
(February Church service in Orange County, to be announced later.)
Dop och KonfirmationBaptism & Affirmation/Confirmation Baptism & Confirmation If you would like a baptism arranged within the Swedish Lutheran tradition there are several ways to proceed and you will be guided by the pastor to make it suitable to your situation. It could be arranged in a church, outdoors or at your house. A child or an adult of any age can be baptized and for ages 12 and above, there will be a few classes to take prior to the baptism. Teenagers from age 13-18 are welcome to take part in teaching and a Church youth group lead by Pastor Manilla. A new group is to be formed this year, starting late January with confirmation this summer. The group will meet on-line as well as in person. For more information text 310.292.7080 or e-mail: manilla.okomdalnordanstig@svenskakyrkan.se If you were baptized as a baby but haven’t had the chance to confirm your baptism, you can do the affirmation of baptism individually, at any age, by a series of meetings leading to a rite of confirmation in church. If you are interested, let us know! |
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Kyrkans diakonala stödgruppThe Caring Ministry Group The Caring Ministry in Church of Sweden Los Angeles is led by our ordained deacon and covers a large part of the areas around Los Angeles. The mission is carried out by a number of selected people who are able to support our members and fellow swedes in Southern California. If you need someone to talk to, or if you would like spiritual or emotional support, give us a call. We speak both English and Swedish. Ordained Deacon's Phone 1(310)292-7079. |
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God Fortsättning önskar Nordstjernan!
With a free direct link to its Christmas edition, NORDSTJERNAN, the Swedish newspaper of America,
wants to send a Holliday greeting to all friends of the Swedish Church in LA.
For a Free Sample mailed to your home use code LA22 , Call 1.800.827.9333 or click below.
For more infomation visit:
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram![]() ![]() 1035 South Beacon Street San Pedro, CA. 90731 United States Senior Pastor +1 310 292-7080, Ordained Deacon + 1 310 292 7079 |